Bali Waterproof Center

Bali Waterproof Center

Distributor Applicator Burning Membrane

We understand your very valuable property needs protection. Because Damage, Leaks & Seepage in building construction is the main problem for building owners

This is the benefit of the combustion membrane

Prevent Leaks

Asphalt fuel membrane can prevent leaks and standing water on concrete roofs.

Sound Muting

Suara dari luar bisa diredam sehingga tidak amat ramai dari dalam.


Pumping generally occurs in concrete joints. in the form of cracks and fractures

leak-proof coating

The use of bituminous fuel membrane as a leak-proof coating is very appropriate. Material

Reasons to Choose Us

We understand

All needs can be adjusted according to your budget

on time

Your property's anti-leakage work will be completed according to schedule


With our leak proof service, you are safe for at least 10 years

Let us help you

Prevent leaks in your building right now. Let us help you solve your leak problem with professional applicators and experts in their field.
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One of our clients

Bali Waterproof Center

You are in the right place

We are happy to invite you for a consultation. All your waterproofing needs will be handled carefully and promptly by professional technicians and highly dedicated experts.
Our waterproofing uses bitumen roll which is applied by burning, both for applications on flat surfaces and the like
The application that we offer is the most appropriate system to solve your waterproofing problem. not just installing waterproofing but the right application system.

Contact us

Jl. Bedahulu XII No.13, Peguyangan, Kec. Denpasar Utara, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80233

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